Saturday, September 25, 2021

Robert Eric Grey (Eirikr Langaspojt)

Motion by to uphold the Temporary Removal from Participation of Robert Eric Grey (Eirikr Langaspojt) as issued by the Kingdom of An Tir, and their Kingdom Seneschal on August 12, 2021; to extend the Temporary Removal from Participation; and further, to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible sanctions up to and including revocation of membership and denial of participation. Motion carried.

Dennis Bowers

Motion to uphold the Exile from the Realm of Dennis Bowers (SCA Name Unknown) as issued by the Middle Kingdom, and their Kingdom Seneschal on July 17, 2021. Motion carried.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Dan Long (Grimmund Blackwing)

Motion by to uphold the Temporary Removal from Participation of Dan Long (Grimmund Blackwing) as issued by the Kingdom of Northshield, and their Kingdom Seneschal on August 28, 2021; to extend the Temporary Removal from Participation; and further, to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible sanctions up to and including revocation of membership and denial of participation. Motion carried.

Amy Simeister (Constantina Warbler)

Motion by to uphold the Temporary Removal from Participation of Amy Simeister (Constantina Warbler) as issued by the Kingdom of AEthelmearc, and their Kingdom Seneschal on August 27, 2021; to extend the Temporary Removal from Participation; and further, to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible sanctions up to and including revocation of membership and denial of participation. Motion carried.

Barbara Lowe (Mira Fastova)

Motion to uphold the Temporary Removal from Participation of Barbara Lowe (Mira Fastova) as issued by the Kingdom of Northshield, and their Kingdom Seneschal on August 28, 2021; to extend the Temporary Removal from Participation; and further, to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible sanctions up to and including revocation of membership and denial of participation. Motion carried.

Ronald Trufant

Motion to uphold the Temporary Removal from Participation of Ronald Trufant (SCA Name Unknown) as issued by the Kingdom of The Outlands, and their Kingdom Seneschal on August 12, 2021; to extend the Temporary Removal from Participation; and further, to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible sanctions up to and including revocation of membership and denial of participation. Motion carried.

Jay Wolford (Ruadhan Mac Aoidh)

Motion to uphold the Temporary Removal from Participation of Jay Wolford (Ruadhan Mac Aoidh) as issued by the Kingdom of Atenveldt, and their Kingdom Seneschal on August 14, 2021; to extend the Temporary Removal from Participation; and further, to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible sanctions up to and including revocation of membership and denial of participation. Motion carried.

John Charles Volungus

Motion to uphold the emergency Temporary Removal from Participation in the Society issued to John Charles Volungus by the Society Seneschal ...